
Terror in Tucson

Red flags have been waving for months. Teachers were aware...students were scared to death to attend classes...friends knew something major was up. Why wasn't something done? Shooter Jared Loughner took the lives of six people and injured 16 (not counting the hundreds of friends and family that have been changed forever)...the youngest a nine year old girl on Saturday in Tucson, AZ. Shot point blank range.

The comment I keep hearing is that this young troubled man was someone many people were scared to be around and could easily see being a killer. Sad to say...that's exactly what happened.

It's horribly tragic that this took place, but like I've been sharing for years, if our society (specifically entertainment) continues to promote violence in all of it's media facets, we will continue to see not just crimes like this, but an escalating rise in violence in a larger magnitude than we've ever seen before.

* Coach T thinks we need to be pro-active. Protect your mind from the smut of society. Be the change you want to see in the world.

check out TinaMarieLive.com for more info

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