
trashy ABC "G.C.B." show airing March 4 - not cool

After living in Hollywood for a decade, I'm not too shocked at the offensive new programming coming from this lost city. However, when a show like "Good Christian B_tches" now "G.C.B." bashes my personal choice of faith for an hour on prime time, I'm not going to sit on the sidelines. The bottom line, if ANY other religion was bashed on television, there would be a riot throughout the country! The creators of this show should be ashamed of themselves, along with ABC and all involved in allowing such a program to air.

Scenes involve people making out in a church office as they turn a photo of Jesus face down on a desk. Groping of breasts, cross necklaces being broken, stained glass windows of Jesus being shattered when a woman in an angel costume is thrown into it, are just some of the hideous clips in the upcoming episodes. Why is Hollywood so CONSUMED with making people look like idiots on TV? Some of the smartest countries in the world with the youngest children becoming inventors before the age of 10 - like Japan for example, DO NOT air such idiotic shows. It goes to show, the environment we create for our next generation to absorb, is who they become. I will be one of those parents creating an environment for my kids to flourish in...which means NO "GCB" for me...PRAISE THE LORD!

* Coach T says we need to get off the sidelines and get in the game. Not just skip watching the show but voice our concern.


Steve VH - Cinti, OH said...

Turning the other cheek is for individuals who, unknowingly or in the heat of the moment do wrong to you. This falls way more under tha category of turning our Father's temple into a den of thieves, with modern media stealing the hearts and minds of our children (and sadly, many adults.) I say we start turning over some tables and driving out the money-mongers!!! (Sometimes, the best way to deal with a bully is to go toe to toe and tell them you're not going to take it any more. Let's go!)

Steve VH - Cinti, OH said...

We have to fight back hard & where it hurts them most. Find out who the sponsors are of this garbage and let's get a national boycott going. ... Ever wonder about the wisdom of Abraham asking God to spare Sodom? I believe it was to allow those people to work to bring about healing there. I'm willing to sacrifice part of my life on Earth to erradicate this sourge. Are you? Then let's give up part of our life (just some of our casual, recreation time) and fight for what's right!